House Journal

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

House Journal is a new literary magazine seeking fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art for publication. Though we are open to reading any and all genres, we lean toward literary writing. We also have a soft spot for stories and poems with a strong sense of place as well as distinct and interesting character relationships. We are open year-round for submissions and publish two online features each month as well as one yearly print issue. We welcome both unpublished AND previously published pieces. Simultaneous submissions are also great. We only accept submissions through our Submittable. You may submit to each category listed on Submittable at the same time if you would like. Just please make sure to wait for a response before submitting to the same category again. If you have questions, please email us at Here are our guidelines:

Fiction and Nonfiction:

  • Please send us one short story, flash fiction, narrative essay, or novel except. You may submit to both our print issue and our online feature categories at the same time if you would like, but please wait until you hear a response before submitting to the same category again.
  • Submissions may be between 50 and 7,500 words.
  • Please use a standard 12 pt. serif font (such as Times New Roman or Garamond) and one-inch margins. We would also appreciate if you could use double spacing.
  • .doc, .pdf, or .docx file formats please.
  • Please remove all identifying information.
  • Again, we will review all genres but lean toward literary works. We also particularly enjoy works with a strong sense of setting and interesting character dynamics.
  • For our online features, we pay $25 per piece. For our print issue, we pay $60 and one contributor copy.


  • Please send up to five poems in a single document. We are interested in all poetic forms. You may submit to both our print issue and our online feature categories at the same time if you would like, but please wait until you hear a response before submitting to the same category again.
  • For poetry, formatting is entirely up to you. We only ask that you remove all identifying information from the document and use a .doc or a .docx file.
  • For our online features, we pay $25 per piece. For our print issue, we pay $60 and one contributor copy.

Visual Art

  • Please send us one to seven pieces of art at a time. We are open to reviewing all mediums.
  • Any size or file type is good. If we need something different, we can shoot you an email.
  • We are especially interesting in place-based art or art that depicts some aspect of human connection.
House Journal